Does your Agile implementation produce meaningful agility?
Too many implementations look fine, but they’ve really plateaued well short of their potential. They don’t produce meaningful agility: good flow of valuable solutions to real customer problems; drama-free, affordable adaptation; and a healthy, collaborative, engaged human culture.
If you are leading Agile teams (directly or indirectly) or influencing your organization’s journey, have you considered:
1. How much more Agile they can become?
2. What could be missing, partial, or misapplied?
3. What it would take to close the gap?
Gil Broza’s mini-program, Your Agile Blind Spot, reveals the greatest and often invisible weaknesses of Agile implementations and what you can do to fix things.
Enter your name and email below to receive this free series of seven short and impactful pieces (available in text & audio), sent over a period of two weeks. Note: if our spam protection gives you trouble, drop Gil a brief email and he’ll sign you up.