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Gil Broza: Products and Services

Private Session with Gil Broza


3 in stock

A private and confidential one-hour session. Gil will provide advice, coaching, and/or mentoring as you prefer, with the goal of helping you increase your impact, grow professionally, influence organizational change, deal with corporate difficulties, or something else.


Step 1: Schedule your session at https://privatesessionwithgil.youcanbook.me.


Step 2: Pay for it here.


Make sure to use a personal email address, to be sure you receive the purchase confirmation and the calendar invite.


Important: Between now and our talk, take a few minutes to define and write down your outcome(s) for it. This will maximize the value you get.


Our mutual commitment: you commit to showing up, and I commit to doing the best I can for you. To follow through on this commitment, the session is non-refundable.